Danger of Delay


Many scientists and researchers have argued against and dismissed the existence of hell. But some of them have had to reconsider their stance after the famous “Well to Hell” story of the early 1990’s. According to the story which some call a hoax, myth or legend, a group of Russian geologists, in an unnamed place in Siberia, drilled a hold that was 9 miles (14.4km) deep before breaking through to a cavity. Intrigued by this unexpected discovery, they lowered an extremely heat tolerant microphone, along with other sensory equipment, into the well. The temperature deep within was 2,000 oF (1,090 oC)-heat from a chamber of fire from which the tormented screams of the damned could be heard. The story said a certain Dr. Azzacov, who was the project manager, gave this account: “As a communist I don’t believe in heaven or the bible, but as a scientist I now believe in hell. Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard. And we were absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of hell!...

Whether the “Well to Hell” story is true or fictious, hell is not a myth; it is real. The Bible offers us a glimpse of it. It is a place of everlasting suffering and destruction, a place where undying worms feed on the inhabitants – unrepentant sinners and backsliders – and everlasting fire burns them and they feel the pain consciously, though they’re not burn into ashes (Mark 9:46).

The horror, torment, and suffering in hell is beyond human description and imagination. Hell was prepared originally for the devil and his fallen angels (Matthew 25:41), but God has decreed that those who forget Him and reject Christ will also be cast there because of their sins and neglect of His salvation (Psalm 9:17; Revelation 20:10).

God’s love for humanity is incomparable. He doesn’t want anyone to end up in hell (2 Peter 3:9), but there must be a punishments or judgment for sin and disobedience. 

So friend, why will you suffer for all eternity because of a moment of sinful pleasure? Why will you spend zillion of years in hellfire because of a lie you told for just two seconds? Why end up in hell when Jesus Christ has paid the price for your redemption? Why go to hell when you can have an excellent home in heaven with Him? Why, friend, why? Ponder on these soul-searching questions and surrender your life to Jesus, for what could you possibly lose if you give your life to Him? Is the life of sin really worth it? Jesus is the only way to eternal bliss in heaven. Why not follow Him and escape the danger ahead? Nothing, no matter the glamour and pleasure you get from it, it worth going to hell for, even if you get the whole world as a reward. Jesus says, “What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul” Mark 836).

Please, drop this stop the reading momentarily and kneel before the Lord in repentance. Confess all your sins to Him and plead for His forgiveness. Jesus Christ, the creator of heaven and earth (John 1:1-3), spoke so much about hell than any other person did in the Scriptures. Believe Him, and avoid everlasting torment in hell. God help you.


“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2b)

Accept Jesus as your savior:-

A young girl was to travel by train to take exam in a nearby city. Minutes after leaving her home, she realized she had forgotten her identity card. She returned home to pick it up. She dashed back, but as she approached the railway station, she saw the train taking off. She missed the train and the exam. Time is a huge factor in taking major decisions in life. Time flies; it waits for nobody.
If there is any decision that deserves prompt response, it is the salvation of your soul. It is so precious that the scripture warns that you should not delay in surrendering your life to Christ. All you need to do is to acknowledge your sin, repent of them, and then accept Jesus as your Saviour. God is willing to forgive you and write down your name in the Book of Life. Ask for forgiveness of your sins today, and the good Lord will have mercy on you in Jesus name.  

Every human being faces the challenge of making decisions as we journey through life. This has been the trend of events from the get – go, as portrayed in the poem above. God gives us the liberty to make choices, and for every choice we make, there is either a reward or a consequence. More than earthly reward or repercussion, those choices determine our eternal destiny. Sometimes, we have plenty of options to choose from, at other times, the options are limited. The most important decision we have to make in life is to choose where we will spend eternity when we leave this earth. Unfortunately, we have limited options to choose from. Actually, we have just two options from which we must make only one choice. God presents these two options before us in Deuteronomy 30:19, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing.” Choosing between eternal life (Heaven) and eternal death (Hell) is a personal decision. No one can make this decision for you; no one can coerce you to making the decision, and you cannot leave the decision to chance. Understand also that one of the options you’re presented with is good and the other is bad. Moreover, while you’re free to make your choice because you’re free moral agent, you’re not free to alter the outcome of your decision, that is, the reward or repercussion of your choice. The outcome is naturally determined by the choice you make. In other words, your decision determines your eternal destiny, whether heaven or hell. So, take this word of advice: choose thoughtfully, choose carefully and choose wisely?


Life is about choices. And the choices you make shape your day, your views, your experiences, your thoughts, and your life. There are some life choices over which you have no control or which others make for you such as when and where you are born, the family you are born into, your life during childhood, the elementary and high schools you attend, and so on. Beyond those, there are several other significant choices you make in life, which have the potential to transform you. The following discuss some of those important life changing choices. 


(1)        Choice of education. The choice to learn or be educated is one you make consciously or unconsciously. You could choose to learn through formal college or university education or through self learning by reading, books, observation, online tutorials, meaningful discussions, pursuit of hobbies, human interactions, personal experiences, reflections, self-realizations, and so on. In the long run, the importance you personally attach to education or learning and how disciplined you are in your learning efforts can potentially transform your life.

(2)        Choice of where to reside. The place you live in affects every dimension of your life, whether or not you acknowledge it. And place includes every dimension of your immediate environment – encompassing the milieu at home to the exact geographical location – the weather, the people living in your vicinity, the community life and the availability of resources. All these affect your daily routine, your lifestyle, your social networks, your productivity, your outlook to life, your opinions, your views, your judgments, your energy, your creativity and your thoughts.

(3)        Choice of vocation. The vocation you affects many aspects of your life – from how your daily routine is, how happy you are, how much you earn, and the kind of people you interact with, to the kind of impact you can make in your sphere of influence. Based on the choice of your vocation, you also make a choice on the kind of organization that you work for, be it self-employed or as an employee.

(4)        Choice of relationships. The closeness or distances you chose to maintain with your family (immediate and extended) affects your life. In addition, the friends you choose to make and how you choose to nurture these bonds over a period of time impacts your life. More importantly, the choice of your life partner or spouse has a significant bearing on how your life will eventually turn out. And lastly, the choice of how you build and nurture other relationships in your personal and professional life makes a difference.

Choice of number of children to bear and how to raise them. Children mark the beginning of a new phase in your life, one which changes almost every dimension of your life. First, you need to decide how many children you want to have, and once you start having them, you need to make choices in their upbringing. And the choices you make for them will eventually determine how they grow and evolve! After all, the children of today are the grown-ups of tomorrow. How you nurture your children will ultimately reflect in what they make of themselves and the mark they leave in the world. And this will be part of your legacy.

(6)        Choice of spiritual journey. The most important choice you make in life is your spiritual awareness, growth and journey. And what’s significant is how aware you are of this journey, the priority you associate with it, the personal commitment you make to progress and advance in it, and the eternal destiny to which this journey leads you. The Bible talks about two eternal destinies: heaven and hell. They are realities, not myths, the way you live your life daily will determine your eventual destiny, either eternal bliss in heaven or eternal doom in hell. These choice and others such as eating habit, health, finances and time management can make or break your life. So, make your choices wisely!


Choosing where you will spend eternity is the single most important and life-impacting choice you can make, as it determines where you will be for all eternity, with no opportunity to change your mind after death. And incidentally, that choice is accepting or not accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord. The Bible says in 1John 5:11-12, “God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” That’s about as clear as you can get. If you have Jesus, you have life. If you don’t have Jesus, you don’t have life. You have a choice. You won’t go to heaven because of someone else’s faith. You’ll never go to hell because of someone else’s choice. It’s your choice! You’ll decide where you’ll spend eternity.

The whole of humanity, including you, have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. Jesus allowed Himself to be nailed to a cross and while hanging there, He took upon Himself all of your sins. This is a free gift that God gave you and everyone, but it is a gift that you must choose to accept. It comes down to whether you choose heaven or hell. Do you choose eternal life with God in a perfect place called heaven or eternal doom with Satan in a place of constant suffering called hell? This is the most important choice that you will ever make.

Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that only two options or alternatives are available to all humans. You either choose God or you choose Satan. If you fail to choose God, you’re choosing Satan by default. You neither have any middle ground nor another alternative here. This is not a benign issue, and it’s not a case where someone can sit on the sidelines and not participate. In God’s sight, if you fail to personally accept His pardon for your sins, you have chosen to align yourself with Satan, and you will be treated accordingly. Joshua 24:15 admonishes, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.”

It’s time to choose! But as you choose, heed divine counsels, “Choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Choose God and live a blissful life with Him in Heaven forever. Heaven is the best choice you can ever make. It’s a place of beauty, splendor and majesty (Revelation 21:10-27), a place of eternal bliss and rest for the weary Christian pilgrim, a place of fellowship (John 14:3), a place of worship (Isaiah 66:22-23), and a place of joy and love (Isaiah 65:19). Jesus made a promise to His followers that he would prepare a place in heaven for them so that they can come and be with Him after their journey here on earth is over (John 14:1-3). Heaven is a holy place, not make for everybody though. It’s for only those who have been washed, made clean and free from all sins, whose names are written in the lamb’s book of life (Revelation 21:27). If you miss heaven, you will wail and weep in hell because you’ll suffer there forever.

How do you make heaven your most significant life-choice? First, choose to be a true follower of Jesus Christ by repenting of all your sins now, and start living a new life in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17). Second, be sanctified and live a holy life daily (Psalm 24:3-4; Hebrews 12:14). And finally, be heavenly – minded by daily living with the expectation of Christ’s return (Titus 2:13; Colossians 3:2).

God has not predestined anyone for heaven or hell, but the choices you make in life and the path you choose to follow will determine where you will spend eternity. You won’t get to heaven by chance; it’s a choice you have to make by the way you live your life. So turn a new leaf today, and start living in Christ. God help you.      


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