Wednesday 20 July 2016

Rest is Sweet after Toiling

In this world of hustling and busting, some people see rest as a waste of precious time. But God who created the human body knows what is best for it; hence, He commands everybody to rest after working: “Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the Sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings” (Leviticus 23:3). He wants you to cease from all forms of labour in order to get some rest and be refreshed bodily and spiritually. He instituted the Sabbath because rest is not only beneficial to the health and comforting to the body but also beneficial to the soul. God himself rested after the work of creation and made rest after toiling a perpetual obligation for all humans because it is good (Exodus 20:11;34:21).

Work and rest are like two sides of a coin. Resting is as important as working because it’s an integral part of the total process required to build strength, muscle, and endurance. You work before resting and rest after working you don’t need to overwork yourself to show that you’re working and at the same time, you can’t claim to be resting when you have not done any work. God frowns at laziness and idleness (Proverbs 18:9; Ezekiel 16:49) but cherishes the proper balance of work and rest, because it’s only when this is done that you can enjoy the fruit of your labour. It is vanity to work without resting (Ecclesiates 2:22-23).

Some people are workaholics. They literally work every day of the year without taking time to rest or go on vacation. They give an inordinate amount of time and energy to their career because they are obsessed with achieving a feat. They feel the urge of being busy all the time, to the point that they often perform tasks that are not required or necessary. As someone describes them, they are cursed with an unconquerable craving for work. Workaholic is a negative behavioral pattern that injures your health, social life and soul. Workaholics often suffer sleep deprivation, which results in impaired brain and cognitive function as well as other stress-related illnesses because of overworking themselves. They also neglect family, other social relations and their spiritual life due to spending an excessive amount of time in working.

As a Christian, God intends that you work very hard but not at the detriment
of your health or soul. He doesn’t want you to overwork you body or neglect your social and spiritual life; rather, He desires that you be in total health by resting properly. Rest helps your body to recover or heal faster from the damage caused by stress. It improves your relationship with others and puts you in a good frame of mind. It facilitates better and healthier eating habits; rejuvenates your body and mind; regulates your mood; helps you to enjoy life more; reduces the risk of you having heart and kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke; as well as makes you more effective and efficient at work, since your focus is on being productive and not on being busy. 

So make out time to rest because it is sweet and satisfying. But remember that rest can be sweet only after you have toiled, for there’s great gain in legitimate honest, and God-honoring industry (Ephesians 4:28). It’s a good remedy against poverty; it gives meaning and satisfaction to life, and it ultimately prepares you for eternal bliss. May your rest be sweet after toiling in Jesus’ Name.

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