Friday 5 August 2016


Personal faith in God is indispensable in our daily walk with Him. It means having the assurance that when we pray, He answers. It also means being confident that as a child in God's kingdom, when you pray, God listens. This means you do not always have to depend on other people's prayers.

Too many people depend on the prayers of pastors, prophets and prayer warriors, without actually knowing that there is power in personal prevailing prayer to God. But with a fully developed personal faith in God and His promises, you will not have to depend on people's prayers. After all, you also have access to the throne of Grace as a child of God (Romans 5:2; Ephesians 3:12).
Note, however, that this is not to suggest that approaching a genuine and Spirit-filled man of God for prayer is out of place. But the danger inherent in turning this into a habit is that such a person may not always be there to assist you in prayer. and when this happens, it becomes very difficult to stand alone through the hardest of times. Moreover, you are liable to fall prey of prayer peddlers and false prophets who capitalize on believers ignorance as a to the privilege they have in prayer. Many people have been swindled of their money and other resources as a result. Others have become exposed to demonic attacks and influences. Yet others have lost their lives. Indeed, it is needless to expose oneself to such dangers and losses when you can prevail in personal prayer. 

Every believer must know that there are situations when he or she has to trash it out alone with the Lord. Jacob had to, at Jabbok (Genesis 32:24). He was facing a challenging situation. He had to make all his people to pass over while he spend the night - alone - travailing in Prayer until his life was turned around. Isaac too personally entreated God for his wife and her womb was opened. Never did the Scripture inform us that he sought the help of prayer champions. Jabez also cried out to God for a definite change and God changed his pain filled and sorrow-ridden life (1 Chronicles 4:9-10). It was Jabez' prayer that was recorded to have received an answer from God, not the prayer of some prophet or prayer peddler. 

consider the case of Hannah too. No doubt, her need was great. Her burden was much. Her spirit was vexed. Yet, she personally took her case to the court of Heaven even though the then high priest was there seated (1 Samuel 1:9-13). Hannah really prayed. And God honoured her faith. God still does today if only believers will personally look onto Jesus alone. Prayer peddlers will only capitalize on your ignorance. Cultivate the habit of personally taking your petitions to the Lord. God answers prayers where there is faith. 

Really, contemporary believers have no excuse for not developing their personal faith in God. One of the blessed Holy Spirit’s ministries is to help believers pray aright. He intercedes in u and helps us to pray (Romans 8:26). And if all the people mentioned above could pray, even when it was not the dispensation of the Holy Ghost, Christians have no excuse if truly they are aware of what it means to be Christians. 

A believer’s prayer is a heart-to-heart talk with her creator. Many things one cannot share with mortals can be unburdened freely before God who sees all and knows all things. However, faith in His power and promises is needed. Without faith, it is not only impossible to please God, it is equally impossible to receive from Him (Hebrews 11:6). A true believer must have sufficient faith before praying that God will hear and answer. And after praying, he or she must also have the peace of mind that God has granted the request. This is as a result of the assurance that though the answer is yet to materialize, it is already settled in the spiritual.
Reader, you too can enjoy what the praying saints of old enjoyed. You can have that problem resolved, alone with God. The circumstances in your life, family, community and even the nation a can be turned around if only you will start to prevail in prayers. However, getting acquainted with God and living in obedience to His word is what guarantees you access to Him. The prayer of the wicked (who a sinner is for rejecting the sacrifice of Christ) is an abomination to God (Proverbs 15:8(. You therefore need to turn away from sin and be a friend of Jesus Christ before you can be sure of receiving answers to your prayer. 

Rest assured that there is no failure with God. He is ever faithful to His promises (Jeremiah 29:12). Your miracle is in your hand, all you need do is call upon God in a simple childlike faith. Keep praying. Never let go until you receive divine intervention. If as a believer you are not getting through in prayer – check yourself honestly. Ask the Holy Spirit to search you out. If there is any failure, it cannot be from God’s end. God is constant; and His promises of answers to prayers remain true.
If Jabez and others could have all their requests granted, so can you. So, pray and pray until something happens!

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