Thursday 4 August 2016

Invest In Your Eternity


You have often heard that “The way up is down.” But do you also know that “The only way to receive is to give?” The Scripture succinctly expressed this in Luke 6:36, “GIVE, AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measure to you again.” God included a clause in His prosperity plan for His children and that is; you have to give in order to get. This is the only way of multiplying what you have. If you want more money, give more of the one you have. The same thing goes for other material things that you possess. In essence, the way to multiply your (money) is to give it out to God and fellow humans. 

One major way to give your money to God is through the work of God when you see pastor or Evangelist want to go for missionary or like this website you are reading this content you can donate to the work of God to continue or through paying of your tithe and giving offerings through this website. Unfortunately, the subject of tithing is one that is being trailed with controversy in Christendom today. There are some who argue that tithing is an Old Testament practice while others disagree with what the parameters for tithing should be. However, the word of God is quite clear on this. Leviticus 27:30 says, “And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD’S: it is holy unto the LORD.” Your tithe is exclusively for God. The Lord himself commanded in Malachi 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house…”Tithing, contrary to some opinions is God’s mandate not because He is hungry and needs to feed with your money, or that he wants to amass wealth for Himself but because He is God; Giver of all things and He wants to help multiply that gold in your hand. 

What then is tithe? Your tithe is the tenth percent (10%) of your monthly, bi-weekly or weekly gross income as a salary earner, and tenth percent (10%) of your gross profit as a business or self employed man or woman. A tithe also includes ten percent of all benefits that come your way, such as gifts and even the interest you earn on bank accounts. If your earning is worth a thousand, your tithe is a hundred. And you don’t get to deduct feeding, accommodation or transport allowance from it before you calculate your tithe. By the way, if you do that, you will be cheating yourself. When you tithe, it shows you are appreciating God who provides for you and at the same time, you are sowing for the future. 

Note that as a business owner, you deny yourself of having you gold multiplied if you are in the habit of removing the cost of transporting your goods, shop rent or electricity bill before determining what your tithe will be. Your tithe is the tenth part of your gross profit. Anything short of that is robbing God and inadvertently robbing yourself. As you tithe, God, the Almighty promises to likewise bless you; no one who trades with Him will ever run at a loss. 

Another way to give to God monetarily is through offering. This is the money you give over and above your tithe. Offering, though may not be seen as compulsory as tithe, is very necessary. It must come from a cheerful heart because scripture says that God loves those who give cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7). Your freewill offering is yet another way to give to God through this website. Freewill offering often comes in the form of thanksgiving offering and whatever else you offer to God because of His abundant blessings.

It is however pertinent to state at this point that your tithe and offerings are useless to God if you will not allow Him rule your life. The first thing you must offer to God is your life. This is the only way your money, time, talent and other material resources you give for the furtherance of God’s work on earth can be acceptable to Him (Ephesians 5:10).

You can be partaker of the abundant blessings of God if you pay your tithes and offering faithfully and regularly, knowing full well that you cannot out-give God. He first gave us everything including His only begotten son, Jesus our Saviour. Therefore, we must give cheerfully, lovingly and in appreciation of all that He has done, what He is doing presently and what he will still do. To multiply your gold, therefore, give unto the Lord for therein lies the secret of abundance.     

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